Monday, February 26, 2007

sacre bleu!

English tourist in mediocre-photo-opportunity-hotel-balcony-death-plunge shock!

"Ah, lovely sunny day, concrete building with no windows - this will be the conference centre, no doubt?"

"Eck-skew-zay mwah, oooo se trewve le BbWorldEurope, sieve ooo play?"

"Are you absolutely sure we're in the right place? I'd have expected more of a clue..."

nb: je suis tres desole que le qualite des photos n'est pas professional (???). But Alison "my photos will be much better than yours, aspden, after all i'm the creative one" Purvis neglected to bring her camera-to-computer connecty stuff. i, on the other hand, while being photographically challenged (not to mention phobic) at least have the technology.

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